Thursday, February 28, 2008

Friends that i have

Answer to question raised by xyz~~

Probably i am more vocal compared to other girls.
And this explain why i hang out more with boys than girls.
Generally, guys are more steady and has more freedom.
Go means Go!!
Jump means Jump!!
That's the way i like things done.
Hanging out with guys would mean more freedom in terms of
1. * guys not so small gas*
2. don't bitch too much, But they do bitch!
3. they're tougher physically (not sure bout mentally)
Hanging out doesn't mean dating nor adultery or betrayal
Its NOT the Undang-undang Malaysia that friends has to be the same gender.
Hanging out with those people i like is a type of human right.
Besides, i really enjoy the freedom of speech and expression of sarcasm when mamak-ing with my friends of opposite gender. (most guys has muka tebal & batu hati to tahan sarcasm)
As long as i know what i'm doing
and what i'm doing does not cross the boundaries.
The rest are just the matter of perspective.

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