Its really too too much for me to take. ARGGHHH...
&*&%^WTF ##%%%^*#^&&&!!! MCB $%
Such an extremely super stupid idiot fella, stole my eggs from the kitchen
Come on la, eggs only cost 10p each. Just go buy yourself one ok!! Or if you're so desperate for egg, you should have squeeze one out from your own ovary to eat AND NOT MINE!!!
In the first few weeks,my friends and i noticed that our eggs are missing. Chicken eggs ok, not any other eggs. So my friends decided to put they're eggs into their own room. As for me, i've put up a notice on the fridge stating......
and continue to leave MY eggs in the kitchen cabinet. Naively thinking that the pencuri will stop curi-ing eggs after a decent notice posted up.
Nothing when missing after that, or maybe something did went missing but we don't realise. We dont keep count of the number of sausages, wedges and nuggets we have, don't we. Or conduct checking on the amount of oil and milk left in the bottle. We have better things to do then doing stock check on our food in the fridge every evening.
I even wrote my name on the tray ok, just if the thief is innocent and "accidentally" took my eggs!! Which this is so impossible cause the cabinet obviously belong to me and my friend. Each of the room is allocated a cabinet in the kitchen.
But HELL!!! Yesterday i found out my EGGS ARE STOLEN!!! AGAIN!!!
Its so frustrating!! I usually consume my eggs in line.
There's 15 eggs (3 lines of 5 eggs)
I usually finish the 1st line then move on to the 2nd line but when i open my egg tray yesterday, i found out......
My eggs arrangement is not in the normal style i left it!!
One of the egg in the 3rd line is missing (most right). Its so impossible that i have cooked it, unless i'm that old and have sudden short term memory lost. I'm so pissed out!! The person who ate my eggs shall lao sai till her lubang terbocor. Such idiot person. Egg also wana steal.
This picture is taken right in front of my room door. The kitchen is the second door on the right.
If it happen again, i'll make sure i run out to check the kitchen every time i hear doors open. That would be the extreme way. And its the most dumbo thing i would do in Liverpool to catch a thief. Probably, i should request the management to install a CCTV in the kitchen.
request the management to install a cctv just coz some eggs got stolen? u gotta be kidding...i know how it feels to hv smth stolen from u, but a cctv for a few missing eggs? it'll take a lot of guts to go up to the management and request for
Probably i have to stick to the dumbo strategy then. That's to dash out my room to check whenever someone is in the kitchen =P
Anyway, eggs were just part or the missing item. Our sausages, apple, scones, cheese were missing too =(
Eeeeeeeeee, so irritating!!!! How many people are living with u??
Lucky my ex-housemates dont do that. In fact we forget we bought stuff and think its other people's until it goes bad in the fridge... no one knows it belongs to them
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