my whole bunch of gurls walk to
hunt for our food in Tesco
And we able to grab jam filled doughnuts which
cost only 6p (RM 0.36) for FIVE doughnuts!!!
NP: 1 pound
dressing all in shopping mode (aunty type)
Most of the veges price range from 70p-2pounds
So its totally worth our 30mins walk to grad theese reduced price item
NP: 99p
All these cheap food are actually reduced price food
All these cheap food are actually reduced price food
And the only reason to this is its expiring soon
And the only reason to this is its expiring soon
What i mean by soon is......
What i mean by soon is......
its either expiring on the day we purchase itself or on the very next day
Thus, most of the time we'll chuck the foods into freezer
Its kinda pathetic, i know
Back in M-land i wouldn't even buy food which dated 2month before expiry
But here, its all so different
Not only that we're buying these stuff but we have to rush and hunt for them in Tesco cause there are hundreds of Malaysian JMU students here just like us
Real sad case. Haishhhh....
More than once, we round and round the market just to wait for the staff to diplay reduced price item
Real sad sad case...
Anyway, who cares as long as i get cheap food, life is happy =)
BTW, the ang mohs here buy reduced price food too
On the other hand, happiness besides food
is when one saw an adorable dress prices at 9 pounds
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