Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ITs week 6 now!!

ITs WEEK 6 now!!!
OMG!! Its just as though my new semester started yesterday. But its week 6!!!

HELL! Its almost the mid-sem!!

And that means Week 14, the end of semester will be coming SOONER than i think it will.

And that means EXAM!!!
Well, looking at the bright side of it. That would mean my hols will be coming too.
Anyway, the aftermath of Sabah trip, guess i just have to get a job again to fill up the hole in my pocket.
In the mean time. I have 3 assignment and 1 presentation due!!
One in each of the consecutive week to come....
I just feel like running away into the remote village and hide myself!!
Far Far away, where life is just about planting, fishing and cooking..
Sleep at 7pm and wake up at 6am to see sunrise.
And have babies as past time as there will be no TV set or radio....
.....Smack!! smack!!.........

Back to reality, i got to start working on my assignments
and study for my Advanced Taxation Test!!
Breast!! Breast!!....
Nervous breakdown controlled...

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