Monday, March 5, 2012

Polishing Ring

Last week, my boyfriend and i sent our rings for polishing. It is an annual complimentary polish service from the shop we bought our rings.
Its not engagement ring. Its not wedding ring. Just a gift we bought out of persuasion from friends. I know it sounds odd. Its a story for another day =)
I love to resemble our relationship with the amount of scratches on the ring. Similar to the multiple disagreement and love-hate situations and "i'm not talking to you" situations. Mostly i initiated =D
The difference is we got over it quite immediately. We did not wait long to clear our disagreements like we waited for a year to polish the ring.
Most of the time, we have it done on the day itself. Latest, the very next morning we both fresh awake with our cleared mind.
I love the frank and honest way we communicate. We could just voice our dislike directly with each other and we both could accept it with an open mind.
Because we both understand no matter how much disagreement we may have, its just a matter of perspective and differences in thinking.
And we both understand love is more than saying i love you. Its about complimenting and tolerating.
What makes it even better... He tolerate me more than i do in return =p